Summit Control Dam

The Summit Control Dam is located on the Nipigon River system and was constructed in 1941. This dam regulates the diversion of water from the Ogoki Reservoir to Lake Nipigon through the Little Jackfish River.


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Last 7 Days table


FLOW (m3/s)

Jan. 23, 2025--
Jan. 22, 2025--
Jan. 21, 2025--
Jan. 20, 2025--
Jan. 19, 2025--
Jan. 18, 2025--
Jan. 17, 2025--
There was a flow change completed at the Summit Dam on June 24, 2023 to increase the flow from 138 m3/s to 280 m3/s.

7 Day Ahead Flow Forecast: 45 m3/s - 65 m3/s.
Reading Type
Outflow (m3/s)
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