Alexander Generating Station

Alexander Generating Station is a run-of-river plant on the Nipigon River system, located approximately 2.5 km downstream of Cameron Falls Generating Station. The station has five units that came into operation between 1931 and 1958. This station has a maximum generating capacity of 69 MW.

The forebay at this station is controlled by the outflow at Cameron Falls Generating Station. The spillwall is used to divert flow around the generating station during maintenance activities on the generators or during high water events.


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Last 7 Days table


FLOW (m3/s)

Jan. 23, 2025--
Jan. 22, 2025--
Jan. 21, 2025--
Jan. 20, 2025--
Jan. 19, 2025--
Jan. 18, 2025--
Jan. 17, 2025--
There was a flow change completed on the Nipigon River to decrease the weekly average flow from 300 m3/s to 270 m3/s on Mon Oct 28th, 2024.

Nipigon River Planned Flow:

Last week
Week 3
Jan 13 - Jan 19
270 m3/s

This week
Week 4
Jan 20 - Jan 26
270 m3/s

Next week
Week 5
Jan 27 - Feb 2
270 m3/s
Reading Type
Water Levels (m)
Outflow (m3/s)
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OPG - Water

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Neither Ontario Power Generation Inc. nor its subsidiaries, employees, officers, directors or agents makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or correctness of the enclosed information and disclaims any and all liability for any consequences as a result of, or in any way related to, the reproduction or use of this information in whole or in part.

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