Root River Control Dam

Root Control Dam, also commonly known as the Lake St. Joseph Dams, are located on the English River at the top of a diversion channel leading from Lake St. Joseph to the Root River. The dams were constructed in 1957 to provide for diversion of the waters of Lake St. Joseph into the English and Winnipeg Rivers. The Diversion Dam is a concrete structure with five log sluices, and the Block Dam is an earth structure.

Please visit the Lake of the Woods Control Board which manages data for this site.

Rat Rapids Control Dam

Rat Rapids Control Dams (North & South) are located on the English River system at the east end of Lake St. Joseph and were constructed in 1935. With the construction of the Lake St. Joseph Diversion in 1957, water was diverted to the English Winnipeg system, resulting in very little energy generated at Rat Rapids which was subsequently retired from service in 1963. The generating equipment replaced with two log sluices in each dam in 1964.

Please visit the Lake of the Woods Control Board which manages data for this site.

Manitou Falls Generating Station

Manitou Falls Generating Station is located on the English River system in the Township of Ear Falls. The station began operating in 1956 and has five units with a maximum generating capacity of 72 MW. The main dam spans the English River at the original site of Lower Manitou Falls and has 11 sluices.

Please visit the Lake of the Woods Control Board which manages data for this site.

Ear Falls/Lac Seul Generating Station

Ear Falls and Lac Seul Generating Stations are located adjacent to each other on the English River in the Township of Ear Falls. Ear Falls Generating Station began operating in 1930 and has four units with a maximum generating capacity of 17 MW. Lac Seul Generating Station was built as an extension of Ear Falls Generation Station. It began operating in 2009 and has one unit with a maximum generating capacity of 12 MW.

The Lac Seul dam is situated at Lower Ear Falls and helps regulate and conserve the waters of the English River.

Please visit the Lake of the Woods Control Board which manages data for this site.

Cedars Channels Control Dam

Cedar Channel Control Dam is located on the English River system at the east end of Lake St. Joseph and was constructed in the 1930s. The dams were built to raise the water level of Lake St. Joseph as part of the Rat Rapids development. There are three dams, the concrete North Channel Dam with eight log sluices, the concrete South Channel Dam with four log sluices, and the earth Block Dam.

Please visit the Lake of the Woods Control Board which manages data for this site.

Caribou Falls Generating Station

Caribou Falls Generating Station is located on the Winnipeg River system approximately 65 km southeast of Kenora and began operating in 1958. The station has three units with a maximum generating capacity of 91 MW.

The main dam is located at the outlet of Umfreville Lake and upstream of Tetu Lake. It incorporates the powerhouse, the headworks and a sluiceway structure with nine sluice gates.

Please visit the Lake of the Woods Control Board which manages data for this site.